Wednesday, March 07, 2012

"The schism between content creators and platforms like Kickstarter, Tumblr and YouTube is generational. It's people who grew up on the Web versus people who still don't use it. In Washington, they simply don't see the way that the Web has completely reconfigured society across classes, education and race. The Internet isn't real to them yet." Yancey Strickler

"Entrepreneurs need to be reminded that it's not the job of their customers to know what they don't. In other words, your customers have a tough enough time doing their jobs." Mark Cuban

"We believe that America is at a major digital turning point. Simply, we find tremendous benefits in online technology, but we also pay a personal price for those benefits. The question is: how high a price are we willing to pay?" Jeffrey Cole

Today's image: An Eye for Art by Rich Miller Beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

Lot's of exciting things happening. Thought I would share some interesting things I've found on the way to finding other interesting things. First, this wonderful commercial for the Guardian's open journalism initiative which imagines how the Guardian might cover the story of the Three Little Pigs in print and online.

"Who decides what gets sold in the bookstore?" Seth Godin on what's happening and not happening in the book trade. He raises important issues that deserve attention and discussion. You may find the writing here and while you're there do click through and read his new Stop Stealing Dreams manifesto. Also recommended: INTERVIEW: Seth Godin on Libraries, Literary Agents and the Future of Publishing as We Know It, here

Two reads about the dead tree gang. The Collapse of Print Advertising in 1 Graph - Derek Thompson via The Atlantic, here. The latest findings from Tom Rosenstiel and team - Pew's Project for Excellence in Journalism - are available. Read How Newspapers are Faring Trying to Build Digital Revenue here

Here are two good reads, I enjoyed both.

David Weinberger. Amazon info

Gary Hamel. Amazon info

I'm preordered and awaiting the new Jonah Lehrer. Amazon info

Bravos: The Flipboard team continue to do exceptional work, their iPhone app is tight and I highly recommend it. Slate debuts the Slate Book Review, a new monthly Dave Winer, the uber-cool ace of blogging (and other innovation including RSS) marks 15 years of Scripting News, here We can all learn something from Dave.

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