"Indifference is the invincible giant of the world." Ouida
"To make the common marvelous is the test of genius." James R. Lowell
"Towers are measured by their shadows, and men of merit by those who are envious of them." Chinese proverb
Today's image: me by willvastine.com - Wonderful. Thank you for sharing.
"I don't know"
Working on a talk for next week. Draft #5 or is it #6. No matter. A good measure of my talk is about leadership and adult learning. In my experience, the best three word lesson in learning may be found in having the courage to say "I don't know." Here's what Wurman said...
"...the most essential prerequisite to understanding is to be able to admit when you don't understand something. Being able to admit that you don't know is liberating. Giving yourself permission not to know everything will make you relax, which is the ideal frame of mind to receive new information. You must be comfortable to really listen, to really hear new information. When you can admit to ignorance, you will realize that if ignorance isn't exactly bliss, it is an ideal state from which to learn. The fewer preconceptions you have about the material, and the more relaxed you feel about not knowing, the more you will increase your ability to understand and learn."
Repeat after me, I don't know. Take that attitude, add curiosity, mix with discipline, voila!
Working on a talk for next week. Draft #5 or is it #6. No matter. A good measure of my talk is about leadership and adult learning. In my experience, the best three word lesson in learning may be found in having the courage to say "I don't know." Here's what Wurman said...
"...the most essential prerequisite to understanding is to be able to admit when you don't understand something. Being able to admit that you don't know is liberating. Giving yourself permission not to know everything will make you relax, which is the ideal frame of mind to receive new information. You must be comfortable to really listen, to really hear new information. When you can admit to ignorance, you will realize that if ignorance isn't exactly bliss, it is an ideal state from which to learn. The fewer preconceptions you have about the material, and the more relaxed you feel about not knowing, the more you will increase your ability to understand and learn."
Repeat after me, I don't know. Take that attitude, add curiosity, mix with discipline, voila!
No business like show business: Radio programming and marketing ace Lee Arnold continues his series, serving up Rocket Surgery Pt 3 here.
Midtown buzz: David Barrett, Susan Lyne, Judy McGrath, CBS
Misc cool apps of the moment: Twitter + FriendFeed = Plurk. Planning tool, Center'd. Read webpages later on your phone, LaterLoop
Congrats & cheers: Kim Johnson hires on at Tribune as SVP, Local Sales.
Closed circuit to CBS AOL Radio player team: Check the date on the Duffy ad. "Release 5/13 Pre-order now!" Is no one looking at this stuff? A Duffy offer on an HD2 Oldies channel? This is easy to fix and why use the inventory for a dated offer?