Sunday, March 18, 2007

"The man who knows how will always have a job. The man who also knows why will always be his boss." Emerson

The New York Times
gets it, they're on Twitter. Very smart. Check out the NYT Twitter set up by Dave Winer here. Timesman Jacob Harris advises Dave they have been on since March 5. (Thanks to Dave Winer for the tip and the cool river) Now, how long before the first and second tribes of wireless get it. Your station, your personalities, should be on now. Seems the perfect place too to let folks know what you're "working on in the newsroom", breaking, etc. My sense is someone at Today will be on this next week. Surprised that Amanda is not on for ABC or is she?

Congrats & cheers: Heather Harde joins TechCrunch as CEO. We can expect Michael's already superb content to get even better. Announcement here.

Cobo Countdown: Fred Winston shares some parting shots here and here. He's certain to have some cool pics and stories to share when he returns.