Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Having to be right shackles your mind.

People are culturally conditioned to have to be right. The parents are right, the teacher is right, the boss is right. Who is right overrules what is right. Couples have huge quarrels about considerations that are forgotten as the struggle for who is right rages on...having to be right becomes a barrier to learning and understanding. It keeps you away from growing, for there is no growth without changing, correcting, and questioning yourself.

If you have to be right, you put yourself in a hedged lane, but once you experience the power of not having to be right, you will feel like you are walking across open fields, the perspective wide and your feet free to take any turn. John Naisbitt

Today's quotation from Naisbitt's most recent work - Mindset! Reset Your Thinking and See the Future, end note Mindset #4, Understanding how powerful it is not to have to be right. Amazon info here. Along that same line of thinking: There is usually more than one right answer.

Rex Sorgatz, formerly of Minneapolis and now a clever dude about Seattle offers up his 30 Predictions for 2007 in Media/Pop/Tech including...3) Apple. Apple buys Last.FM. Finally. And iTV is a hit. Finally. And the iPhone? Nope, never. Why? Cuz the iPhone is like God -- if it really existed, you wouldn't care that much. Check out Rex's entire 30 here. Rex's inventory of 2006 lists, an excellent collection in progress, is here

Best of 2006; take two - Best site by a radio talent:, Steve Dahl's site serves as an excellent example of how to do a site right. Blog, forum, program archive, photo gallery, online shopping, it's all there and more. Bravo Steve! Visit Steve Dahl here.

Welcome to fly over land: Suits from the city spend $530 mil for Strib. Avista Capital Partners of New York buys their first dead tree outfit, the Star Tribune, Minnesota's biggest daily. Newspaper folk selling their most troubled, or at least most challenged, assets to private equity groups is now vogue. Because the suits don't know what they don't know they might just succeed (i.e., not smart enough to know they can't win). Strib coverage here LATER: Now hearing Avista paid 7.4x cf (industry avg valuation approx 8.7 cf, some deals have been done at 10x and higher) and it means the boys got a deal on the pricing. ALSO: Rafat cites AP as source for McClatchy CEO saying the company collected more than $1 billion in cash flow since the 1998 purchase.

Can you tell the difference between a Real Reporter and a Parrot? Excellent post by Google's Peter Norvig all about lazy reporters here.

Many thanks for the kind words on the new blog design. My thanks and bravos to uber-cool designer Todd Dominey of Atlanta - I am now using his "Scribe" design. All about Todd here.