Friday, August 18, 2006

"Cultivate the habit of boiling matters down to the simplest terms: the proverbial 'elevator speech' is the best way." William Swanson

Swanson's Unwritten Rules of Management: unwritten rule number 20...

"Pretend that you've got to make your case to someone in the time it takes to ride on an elevator. Assume that you may never have this chance to make your case again.

How would you start? How would you conclude? What points would you emphasize? What points would you hold in reserve, as backup?

Time is the discipline of the elevator speech. Space is the discipline of having to put all of your key points on one 3-by-5-inch card. Both disciplines require you to get to the point and focus on what action you're asking for.

Often it's best to get right to the conclusion and have your explanatory charts in reserve to address concerns or questions, if raised. Always ask yourself: Have I made the business case? What action do I seek? You'd be amazed how many times presenters don't do this."

More wise counsel from Bill Swanson.

Bonus: Torey and his team have a share. Check it out here. Bravo to Torey, Ron and all involved, as Hitch was fond of saying "when you want to create suspense provide the audience with information", well played.

Bonus 2: Don't even think about it. Get your own very cool Writely account today. Google has opened registration again, sign-up here

One of those late summer Fridays filled with deadlines, no more blogging today. Have a great weekend!