Saturday, February 09, 2008

"Art is magic delivered from the lie of being truth." Theodor Adorno

"All great deeds and all great thoughts have a ridiculous beginning." Albert Camus

"What is to give light must endure burning." Viktor Frankl

Today's image: PAD 26 by arniphoto. Wonderful. Thanks.

Peter Day, a presenter on matters of business at BBC Radio 4, interviews Richard Sennett on craftsmanship. "...a look at how neglected skills are undermining the way businesses perform." Excellent program, highly recommended. About 30 minutes. Listen here. My thanks to radio programming ace Tom Teuber for the tip. Related: Professor Sennett's new book, The Craftsman, ships next month. Amazon pre-order info.

Boo Yah, Baby - Radio death rattle: Jimmy Cramer says "Radio is finished as we know it but it doesn't seem to matter to the people who are in radio. They have always talked a big game and they'll continue to talk a big game." Video here.

JC is spot-on about radio stocks. It's been said here a number of times before, free cash flow ain't enough. My sense is the pure-play radio guys would be much better off if they stopped doing earnings calls. Jeff, David, Farid, Bill, Ed and all the others should stop playing a game they can't win. Stop making excuses, enough with the graduate level dog-ate-my-homework. Change up the game, stop the earnings calls. This is a leadership issue. Pure and simple.

You can make a difference: Drew Perschon is a child that needs our help, more info here. My thanks to Cara Carriveau for the heads up.

Congrats & cheers: Chicago media rock star Dean Richards interviewed by Rick Kaempfer via his Chicago Radio Spotlight here. Thanks for the kind words, Dean. Kudos to Rick on another fine interview.